
What is the application of image measuring instrument in metal gear processing?


       How is the application of image measuring instruments in metal gear processing? First of all, we need to understand the metal gear, which mainly refers to a component with teeth that can continuously transmit motion on the rim, and is also a mechanical part. The appearance of such parts appeared a long time ago.


      This type of gear is also composed of many structures, such as gear teeth, tooth slots, end faces, normal faces, etc. In order for these small parts to be combined into a complete gear, it must be adapted to the structure of the entire gear. It can be better used in various mechanical processing. Maybe everyone is familiar with this type of gear in daily life, and it also appears in many of our daily utensils.

      When it comes to the definition of metal gear, let's take a look at how it is processed. It is a very common mechanical part, and its processing technology is also various, such as: gear hobbing with gear hobbing machine, insert gear shaping, Precision casting gears, etc. The processing of such parts requires measurement of various points and lines in order to produce metal gears that meet the requirements. Then, for the measurement of the entire processing process, we cannot do it by ourselves, and we need to use some more precise measuring instruments. At this time, the appearance of the imaging measuring instrument has solved this problem very well.


      The appearance of image measuring instruments has greatly promoted the processing of metal gears, making it possible to process various points, accurately marking the measurement results of planes and segments, bringing great improvements to the work, and can Such gears are produced in large quantities and finely, so such imaging instruments are also inseparable from metal gear processing.

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